Wednesday, July 30, 2014

So Much To Do, So Little Time!

Good morning friends!

I'll jump right in and say this new adventure is something else!  There's so much to do and am finding it difficult to decide how to prioritize my thoughts.  

Ultimately, the primary focus is income, and how to get steady flows of it without compromising values.  The aim is creating the means without resorting to work or jobs that I feel enslaved by.  

This morning I received some good counsel from family.  I was reminded that keeping enough income to "carry my own" should be the primary standard, not doing what I "feel like."  I'm finding that it can be easy to fool yourself into believing that things are easy when you're receiving some type of support from others.  My quest therefore is not a true success until I am at least fully carrying my own weight.

This reminder of course brings me closer to reality.  One thing I've learned, is that you always want to be welcoming to reality's call.  Optimism is good, but the last thing we want is delusional thinking.

Therefore, this reminder brings more pressure, but good pressure!  It challenges my brain to think and react quickly.  I must dig and come up with timely solutions.   

What's standing in the way of making cash appear as soon as possible?

What is the reality about how quickly I can see cash in my hands?  Is it possible to get legitimate money in one day?  One hour?  Five minutes?  If it IS possible, then what does it take?  What kind of belief, courage, skill, talent, or knowledge?  Do I have what it takes right now?

These are a few questions that come to mind, but ultimateley, I must do the work to answer them, and quickly.

So this brings me to today's action items.  I will commit to learn as much as I can online, through networking, in books and articles or whatever I can to come up with the best answers to the above questions.  By tomorrow's blog, I will challenge myself to have some tangible answers.

It appears I should also compromise by applying to at least part-time jobs that I can bare.

Lastly, I will spend a good portion of time prepping for an upcoming yard sale.

Any thoughts?

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