Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Challenges

So today, I'm at a cross-road.  On one hand, I still have my goal and dream of taking care of my obligations without a job by creating consistent income opportunites.  On the other, I have the reality of subpar results.

I confess that I still have not attempted any other means of quick income since attempting a plasma donation and looking into paid medical studies.

Below are a list of excuses I have allowed to keep me from my goal:

FEAR of the unknown,
Inconsistent focus,
Poor time management,
Insufficient knowledge,
Subpar work ethic,
Lack of funds,
Current failure to meet monthly financial obligations,
Increased awareness on seriousness of existing debts and credit issues, etc.

I hate to admit it, but all of these issues have pushed me to consider taking on work I may have no interest in for the time being.  If my actions weren't affecting other people in a negative way, then I may consider pushing harder towards my initial goal.  But it appears that, for the time being, I will sink back into the comfort and security of the "E quadrant."

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