Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Challenges

So today, I'm at a cross-road.  On one hand, I still have my goal and dream of taking care of my obligations without a job by creating consistent income opportunites.  On the other, I have the reality of subpar results.

I confess that I still have not attempted any other means of quick income since attempting a plasma donation and looking into paid medical studies.

Below are a list of excuses I have allowed to keep me from my goal:

FEAR of the unknown,
Inconsistent focus,
Poor time management,
Insufficient knowledge,
Subpar work ethic,
Lack of funds,
Current failure to meet monthly financial obligations,
Increased awareness on seriousness of existing debts and credit issues, etc.

I hate to admit it, but all of these issues have pushed me to consider taking on work I may have no interest in for the time being.  If my actions weren't affecting other people in a negative way, then I may consider pushing harder towards my initial goal.  But it appears that, for the time being, I will sink back into the comfort and security of the "E quadrant."

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What About the 21 Ways to Quick Cash?

Okay, so you called me out.  Well, truth be told, I sort of allowed distractions and doubts and fears to get in the way of my progress.

If you need a reminder check out both previous posts, 21 Ways to Quick Cash and Revised Quick Cash List.

I guess that's not all that kept me away.  I've also spent some time "increasing my financial IQ" through more of Robert Kiyosaki's books including, Rich Dad's Guide to Investing and his original New York Times Best Seller, Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

This reading served as a reminder of the ultimate goal; to be financially free in 5 to 10 years (ages 35-40).  Because of this, and my sales experience - the potential for commissions and the educational benefits for an aspiring entrepreneur - I reverted back to looking for a sales job.  I think this is the only type of job that I can accept since I can justify it as being part of my business education.  Learning to sell is learning to create a desired outcome.  Learning to sell is learning to solve problems.  The best sellers do both of these things for both the seller and the buyer.

Selling is also learning to deal with self doubt, learning to persevere, learning to have faith in a good system, learning to keep a great attitude, and learning to adapt, grow, and evolve daily.

So again, I've compromised a bit on not working for anyone.  However, I still feel I should pursue finding ways to generate income out of pure effort.  I can think of no more valuable experience than striving for self-sufficiency.

With that being said, I think I should get back to it.  I believed I left off after attempting to donate plasma ($50-$782 Gone).  The next step is the water experiment, or maybe I'll try something else.  We'll see.

If you are one of the few who have been following my blog, thank you and please feel free to comment even if you want to remain anonymous.  Comments are encouraging and help keep things in perspective.  Thank you!

And if you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing on Facebook or Twitter below.

2 Days Until Yardsale!

The yard sale is just around the corner, and there is still much to do.  You may recall from my earlier post, "LIVE THE DREAM or perish" that I discussed having a garage or yard sale was a good way to make some extra cash.  Of course, I've been looking for the quickest ways to make  money.  However, hosting a yard sale takes at least a couple weeks to prepare.

In my particular situation, I had to figure out where to get enough merchandise to host one since I really don't own a whole lot of extra merchandise to sell.  I ended up with a decent pile of stuff to part with, but I needed more for a yard sale.  I decided to check with family to see if they were interested.  They were.

Once it was clear that they were down for the cause, I started planning for the event.  I have never hosted or even been a part of a yard sale before so I new I would have to do some research.  The first thing I did was google "how to host a yard sale" and started reading some basic articles/blogs about it.  Once I had the basic gist of what was required, I started planning.

First, I found out how many family members would be participating and when they could do so.  Everyone agreed that the best time to do it would be three weeks from that day which ended up being July the 26th  to August 16th.

Next, I created a list via an app called Wunderlist of things I needed to do such as gather supplies, advertise, etc.

Here is a screenshot from my phone:

Then I refined my plan by addressing each of the items listed here and others.  Here's what it looked like:

At first, for personal reasons, I wanted to complete as many of the items on my list as possible the first week.  Actually, all of the reasons weren't personal.  I also just wanted to get ahead as much as possible and leave plenty of room for the unexpected.  With my family depending on me for leadership, I also wanted to impress them by planning ahead and being as organized as possible so that everything runs smoothly come game day.

Well, two days before the event, I still have 4 major items to go!  I'll be hustling for sure : )  Looking forward to the challenge though.

Well That Didn't Happen : )

Well, obviously I did not keep my word.  In my last post I touted, "No More Breaks," expressing my resolution to no longer neglect this blog and my goal of producing enough income to survive without the help of a job I don't really want to do.

That evening I didn't post, honestly because I allowed personal issues to get in the way.

Whatever the excuse, I just want to acknowledge that it IS just that, an excuse.  I'd like to apologize to anyone who has loyally followed my blog.

At any rate, one of the most valuable lessons I've ever learned is that when you feel yourself deviating from your goal, or the right path, simply acknowledge it, get right back where you're suppose to be with haste, and continue moving forward.  This should happen no matter how short or long the deviation.  In the end, all that matters is getting back on the right path.  So today, I'm doing just that.

Also, because it's been so long since my last blog about the mission, there will likely be a few posts today.  I have some catching up to do.

Monday, August 11, 2014

No More Breaks!

So, I've been missing in action for the great majority of the past 2 weeks.  I will no longer let this happen!  I plan to post at least once a day and sometimes more from here on out.

Just stopping in to inform any followers of this.  I plan to post an actual account of what's been going on tonight.

Hang in there folks and thanks for reading!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Check Out This Cool Blog!

So apparently there are other people out there with the same ideas and ambitions as me... who knew?   This will be a short post, but I wanted to make sure I took the time to relay an awesome post from a really cool blog I just found.

The particular post I first read is an experiment on whether selling water near a busy road or intersection could be profitable.  Check it out at

When you have time, you should look at some other posts on the blog.  Apparently this person has been blogging since 2004, so there is much to learn.  I look forward to looking into more of this person's experiments in creative ways  to producing income.

Happy dream pursuits!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

$50-$782 Gone

Unfortunately, I could not bring myself to donate plasma for money. 
After learning the details of the process and the potential (but rare) risks, I psyched myself out of doing it.  This means that I will lose out on an immediate $50 and a potential easy extra $782 in profit for the year.  Not to mention, there will be one less person donating for the cause.
For those of you looking for quick extra cash, this is easy money.  But you must be willing to donate 2-4 hours of your time, and put your self at (rare) risk for medical problems.
Well, on to the next potential quick money maker!

Donating Plasma

Today, I will donate plasma.  The entire process takes 2-4 hours because they have to do a physical as well as other screening procedures.  I showed up at 8:25 a.m. and there was already a full house.
Never been a donor, and not thrilled about it.  But it's free money and for a good cause, so I'll do it.
While I wait, I'll plan for getting my next form of quick cash.

Friday, August 1, 2014

$50 Twice a Month for Plasma

Hello Friends,

I just found out that folks can get $50 twice a month for the first 5 visits at the local plasma donation center.  It is possible to donate twice a month for a total of 24 donations a year.  After the first 5 visits, compensation falls to $55 a month ($18 for the first visit, and $37 for the second) for the same amount of plasma.  Apparently, this is to give incentive for new donors.

Even if for some reason one were deemed "ineligible" after their first visit, they are still granted the $50 since the compensation is for time not plasma.

So there you have it folks!  Quick cash item number 1 is a success.  Instant cash for folks willing to donate plasma.  But make sure you contact your local plasma donation center for details as compensation varies from location to location.  It is also first come first serve.  The representative explained they have to turn potential donors down everyday.  The good news is that they are very effiecient and see upwards of 500 donors a day at this particular location.

Happy Donating!

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Revised Quick Cash List

They say you have to start somewhere.  That couldn't be more true when deciding how to approach getting quick cash.

Today, I rearranged my list of 21 Ways to Quick Cash in the order I will do/attempt them.  Here is the revised list:

1. Sell blood and/or siemen
2. Volunteer for med studies
3. Model
4. Sell stuff
5. Pawn stuff
6. Make stuff to sell
7. Deliver newspapers
8. Deliver phone books
9. Look for gigs online
10. Roadside sales
11. Human billboard
12. Register for day labor
13. Register for temp agency
14. Canvass neighborhoods for odd jobs
15. Paint street numbers/curbs
16. Teach english
17. House sit
18. Petsit
19. Babysit
20. Recycle cans
21. Become a census worker

Likely not the smartest way to prioritize list, but it's a start.  The pressure is on, but having a basic plan is better than no plan.

I will start with the first item on the list and work my way down.  If you see something I can do better or know of any other ways to get cash quick, let me know.  Help me prioritize and to work smarter, not harder!

And if you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing on Facebook or Twitter below.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

21 Ways to Quick Cash

Ok, it's crunch time.  After all of the excitement of the past few days, there has been little leeway as far as producing actual results.  After all is said and done, I need to start producing income... liiiiiiiike last week.

In yesterday's post I discussed how my plan was to figure out some quick ways put cash in my hand.  At this point, even if I was hired for most jobs today, I would still have to wait at least 2 weeks to see a paycheck. If I'm doing things honorably and with minimal financial assistance, then I don't have 2 weeks.

So I set out yesterday evening and today to find out what quick, legitimate ways to get cash exist.  Fortunately for me, I have access to a computer and lots of time to do research ; ).  The first two sites I visited gave me more than enough inspiration.  The first blog gave me 24 ways to get money fast and the second 25.

From those blogs I narrowed the list to 21 ideas I thought were worth looking into.  Hold on to your hats, some of these may be controversial.  Keep in mind, these are not in order, but I do plan to arrange them in an order that I think will bring me cash the quickest.  Then I will make an attempt at each.

1. Volunteer for medical studies
2. Sell blood or Siemen
3. Pet sit or walk dogs
4. Babysit
5. House sit
6. Deliver phone books
7. Become a census worker
8. Canvass Neighborhoods for Odd Jobs
9. Become a Human Billboard
10. Deliver Newspapers
11. Roadside Sales
12. Teach English
13. Sell Stuff
14. Recycle Containers
15. Paint Street numbers/Curbs
16. Model
17. Make stuff to sell
18. Register at Temp Agency
19. Register for Day Labor
20. Look for gigs online
21. Pawn stuff

More to come.  Links below

Site 1.

Site 2.!slide=980290

Any feedback is appreciated.

And if you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing on Facebook or Twitter below.

Side Notes

Travel and see the most beautiful places in the world with my own eyes in the next 10 years.

Full Post to Come This Evening

Super busy, but will post later today.  Enjoy your afternoon!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

So Much To Do, So Little Time!

Good morning friends!

I'll jump right in and say this new adventure is something else!  There's so much to do and am finding it difficult to decide how to prioritize my thoughts.  

Ultimately, the primary focus is income, and how to get steady flows of it without compromising values.  The aim is creating the means without resorting to work or jobs that I feel enslaved by.  

This morning I received some good counsel from family.  I was reminded that keeping enough income to "carry my own" should be the primary standard, not doing what I "feel like."  I'm finding that it can be easy to fool yourself into believing that things are easy when you're receiving some type of support from others.  My quest therefore is not a true success until I am at least fully carrying my own weight.

This reminder of course brings me closer to reality.  One thing I've learned, is that you always want to be welcoming to reality's call.  Optimism is good, but the last thing we want is delusional thinking.

Therefore, this reminder brings more pressure, but good pressure!  It challenges my brain to think and react quickly.  I must dig and come up with timely solutions.   

What's standing in the way of making cash appear as soon as possible?

What is the reality about how quickly I can see cash in my hands?  Is it possible to get legitimate money in one day?  One hour?  Five minutes?  If it IS possible, then what does it take?  What kind of belief, courage, skill, talent, or knowledge?  Do I have what it takes right now?

These are a few questions that come to mind, but ultimateley, I must do the work to answer them, and quickly.

So this brings me to today's action items.  I will commit to learn as much as I can online, through networking, in books and articles or whatever I can to come up with the best answers to the above questions.  By tomorrow's blog, I will challenge myself to have some tangible answers.

It appears I should also compromise by applying to at least part-time jobs that I can bare.

Lastly, I will spend a good portion of time prepping for an upcoming yard sale.

Any thoughts?

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

LIVE THE DREAM or perish

Good morning!

Hope all are well.  Kicking off day two's post... I have a lot to discuss but not sure how much I'll cover. 

As you know, this blog is about a pursuit of happiness.  For me that means dumping the traditional employer dependent lifestyle and finding my own path  to make ends meet.

This is much more exciting.  Each time I realize I have to somehow produce income for survival I push harder and am more and more motivated to succeed.  I feel alive.  How long will this feeling last I wonder?

Earlier I had a discussion with my best friend and uncle about this.  He explained that things may not always be as exciting, especially in the early stages.  He had a point.  While I believe it's important to keep a positive attitude and the goal in sight, I should be mindful that this lifestyle will probably be very difficult initially.  Especially considering that I'm not exactly starting off with a ton of money (or much at all.)  I have to remember that I probably haven't seen anywhere near the worst of things.

At least right now, the excitment of it is enough to sustain me. 

So what's the plan?  At the moment, I have a very basic plan.  Increase knowledge, be opportunistic, network, keep an open mind, be solution oriented, hustle, hustle, hustle, etc.  Basically, I'm looking for any legititmate means of gaining income.

Currently, I'm offereing miscellaneous services on Craigslist, Fiverr, social networks, and other sites.  I'm also doing research about how to create opportunities to increase income.  There are a ton of sites and blogs online on this.

Lucky for me, I have experience Field Organizing for the President of the United States.  I gained a lot of valuable experience namely, how to solve problems and fast.

It's tough sometimes because I'm sort of "ADD" and seem to get easily distracted.  When you're responsible for figuring out how to produce your own income, there is no time to waste I'm discovering.  I have to constantly remind myself to stay focused.  No time for T.V. or anything that's keeping me from gaining something that can be put to good use.

This experience is also reminding me how valuable every resources is and the importance of quality relationships.  Everyone is working to survive and most to thrive.  We all need each other at some point in our lives right?

I'll conclude this post with today's plan.  I'll be working on organizing a yard sale (another way to come by some quick cash).  It's hard work, but it's a great way to get the mental and physical juices going.  Little projects like this will be helpful in raking in some extra income. 

I wasn't able to cover everything, but that will have to do for now.  Please offer your thoughts.

And if you enjoyed this post, please consider sharing on Facebook or Twitter below.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Welcome Friend


My name is Calvin Simon, and this is my first blog ever.  I've decided to take this up for a few reasons:

1. I enjoy writing,
2. I believe I am pursing something worth sharing, and
3. There is potential for income.

Here's the thing... I don't want to work for other people anymore.  I prefer working on my own terms, not willfully sacrificing the majority of my precious time and money out of fear.  I have to be free.

When I first heard Robert Kiyosaki's audio book titled, Increase Your Financial IQ, back in late 2011, things changed for me.  Doors in my brain were kicked open and I saw a new world of possibilities.  With the right attitude, the right knowledge and the right hustle, I would make my dreams come true. (For me this concept was real for the first time.)

Since then, I've read a plethora of stimulating works.  Another is Barbara Winter's, Making a Living Without a Job: Winning ways for creating work that you love.  Super informative, AND a fun read.  I couldn't put it down.

Winter gives real life examples of how to immediately switch from employee to boss.  I read all about how easy it can be to pursue  dreams without fear, now.

One cool example of how she encourages this transition is through $100 challenges. The goal is to list as many ways to bring in at least $100 a day as you can anytime you have free time on a job.  This is the beginning of solution oriented thinking, opportunism, and financial freedom.

SO THIS IS IT.  I am here writing this blog because I have made a life changing decision.  This is a declaration of freedom.  Who knows what I will happen, but today, my motto is "LIVE THE DREAM or perish." 

With that being said, I'd like to invite you to join me on my journey.

If you are an "average Joe" that's interested in being your own boss as soon as possible, then I invite you to stick around.  I am confident that the great majority of us has what it takes to create our livelihood.  I believe uncetainty, fear, and a lack of knowledge stand in our way.  With the right knowledge will come the needed energy and faith to achieve our desires.  Now let's see what happens.

Thanks for reading.  Please feel free to comment.

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